Write and Publish Fierce with Sage Cohen
Willamette Writers of Salem Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, February 15, 2017 // 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Salem Public Library (Central Library, Anderson Room B) 585 Liberty Street SE Salem, Oregon
Producing the writing and publishing results you want may have more to do with your habits than your craft. It can be tricky to know when a groove becomes a rut, or when someone else’s good advice isn’t serving you well. In an interactive lecture + workshop with detailed worksheets, Sage Cohen will share her top 10 strategies for writing and publishing fierce. From defining your brand to failing harder to naming your cathedral to measuring your momentum, you’ll identify new and authentic ways forward—so you can do your best work, live your best life, and make your greatest contribution. Come with a pen and notebook for tracking your discoveries.