By Sage Cohen
The opposite of time is Auschwitz.
5 people, 6 griefs, the clapper
of a bell once kissed by brides
wanting children. Because I could,
I spoke: Ecstasy, Czechoslovakia, 1933.
The pebble is recalcitrant until
you take it in. Eventually
those boys will leave home.
You expect me to be
you and know you
though the knife can not divide
itself. Evolutionary pacifism:
The science of elephants.
The elephants of science.
Those who act will suffer,
suffer into truth: the truth
of the protagonist. Those
who can not act will
suffer more. The taste
of your own tongue
in your mouth as you
make yourself obsolete.
Dismantling the obvious into
its component possibilities
she stands
in a closet soon
to be empty calling
it pleasure.